My talk - think of it like the puberty talk we all got, but for a new life stage - could be just what you need to get started. My talks are empowering, packed with information, and lots of fun. They can be delivered via webinar online, or in person.
I’ll cover what I’ve learned over years of research into the latest science; Kiwi women’s experiences, and my own lived experience as a menopausal woman. I’ll share what I learned writing my books: This Changes Everything: the honest guide to menopause and perimenopause, and The Everything Guide: health, hormones and happiness in midlife and beyond. We’ll share some stories, have a laugh and learn a lot along the way.
Could this be me? How to know if you’re in perimenopause (it could be earlier than you think!)
Common symptoms and what to do about them, including flushes, brain fog, mood issues, sleep problems, weight and body changes, sleep problems and more (including the things we really don’t want to talk about!)
The lowdown on HRT: good or bad? What does the science say?
Menopause myths busted: what works and what doesn’t (despite the hype)
Nurturing your health: what to do NOW for a vibrant and healthy second half
Menopause at work: how to have a menopause-friendly workplace; how to be a menopause ally to the women in your life; how to talk about menopause
PLUS: your questions answered - no such thing as a silly question!
This talk can be tailored to your group and event, and can be delivered online or in person.
Contact me for more information
You bring the coffee, I’ll bring the meno chat! These are 1-hour, completely interactive sessions with me on menopause, midlife health and wellbeing. A free-form, ‘ask me anything’ session where anyone can come along and share in a safe, supportive space. The session can be in person or online, and makes a great ongoing support for people in menopause and their colleagues, managers and friends. More information here.
“All men should have gone to this! Proud to be part of the minority who did. Enjoyed this informative session – thank-you!” Kelly Maguren – Managed Funds Operations Manager, Westpac NZ
“I wish the opportunity to hear about Menopause from a speaker like Niki had been there when I was younger. It would have made the journey a little less scary and bewildering. Still, now in the middle of that journey, I had many ah-ha moments listening to Niki break down the science behind what is going on, and was offered some incredibly helpful and practicable hints to make the journey a little easier.” Lisa
“What an absolutely fascinating session. I learnt a lot and now have more of an understanding of this important topic. As I lead a large team of people I often wonder how as a male do I open up discussion on this subject. Well done Niki for your insights and for such an informative session.” Pete Loveridge, St John
“We left feeling empowered having gained vital information about what is going on with our hormones. To know we are not alone, to be able to talk openly and know we don't have to suffer in silence is such a relief. Thank you Niki for making what can be a frightening transition in life into one that we can grab with both hands and as you say "be kick ass older ladies.” Sara-Jane Morgan, Dance First
'‘Niki is a fabulous, very informed speaker. Her messages are thought-provoking and best of all, get women talking more openly about a very important topic and event in their lives." Jan Gatley, PwC
“Niki presented with huge knowledge and in a very down to earth way, ensuring no embarrassment for anyone. Attendance at this session was the largest we have had, with our male and female employees of all ages attending, representing a genuine desire to learn more about how to cope and how best to support those going through menopause - whether it be a mum, partner, colleague or friend. Feedback from the session was extremely positive and it’s been great to break down such a taboo topic and make it a much more open and supportive conversation in our workplace.” Tracey Hickman, Genesis Energy
"We invited Niki to speak to our team on the topic of Menopause which was well received. Her message was pertinent and refreshing and Niki was very engaging and well prepared. A topic such as Menopause is rarely discussed openly, yet many of our workforce will be exposed to this directly (or indirectly) at some stage. Niki was a pleasure to work with whilst organising the event and she was very approachable to staff to ask questions. We have already booked Niki for another session.” Ashleigh Peckham, Tompkins Wake
“Niki was able to approach menopause, in a comfortable and open way, breaking down communication barriers and having male colleagues involved in a way that drew them in to the discussion as well”. Beth Davies
“Great to be a part of this event and gain a deeper understanding of the menopause journey through Niki Bezzant’s expertise and insights and how better we can all support those going through these natural life changes, enabling open and comfortable kōrero within Westpac and our wider whānau.” Marc Figgins – GM Human Resources and Communications, Westpac NZ
“Your insights when you spent time with Kiwibank were one of the highlights of 2023. Can’t recommend getting the ball rolling on this topic enough.”
“Niki is a very enthusiastic speaker, easy to listen to and uses language that is easily understood. She captured the audience with her open and easy-going way of approaching this sometimes misunderstood phase of a women’s life cycle”. Sandra Young, St John CHS Administrator
“The way Niki spoke about the subject of menopause (and perimenopause) was just as it should be - in such an honest and open way, that truly normalises what so many of us have been experiencing. She offered a kind face and a safe place to ask questions and to help people feel that they’re not alone – and that they’re not going crazy!” Sarah Robertson, HR Business Partner
“Niki created a safe space where we felt comfortable with sharing our own personal experiences with menopause. A place where we realised that we were not alone and could relate to others in the group. I felt it was very valuable and she is an amazing speaker.” Heidi Carter-Johnson
“Niki has a very authentic and approachable style as a speaker - this is a topic that we need to talk about more, but can be so hard to approach – Niki created a really safe environment for us to explore menopause in the workplace. We couldn’t have asked for a better speaker.” Sarah Manley, St John Deputy Chief Executive, Community Health Services
“It was a great session you ran for us and an eye opener to many, especially us blokes. Really beneficial and highly recommend as we look to support the wellbeing of our colleagues and team members.” Gavin Read - head of research, JLL
“Niki is to be commended for her courage in normalising the conversation around menopause. It’s clear that we all, both women and men, have questions so it’s great to finally be able to access this important open forum.” Lee Anne Van Winkel