Article library

Here’s a few articles on common health challenges we might experience at perimenopause and menopause. These are (for the most part) shorter reads, which I add to regularly. There’s a lot more depth and information in my book and talks.


its not you, it’s your hormones!

What to expect when you’re expecting… menopause. In this extract from This Changes Everything, we’ll go through the basics: what, why and what it all means.

Women and booze: what’s it really doing to us?

Alcohol is such an ordinary part of life for many of us. But is it our friend, or our frenemy?

Common perimenopause symptoms

There are many ‘symptoms’ experienced in perimenopause, sometimes before you even know you’re there. Here’s a list of 40+ of the common ones.

when sleep goes south

Not sleeping sucks. It’s one of the most common symptoms experienced by women in perimenopause. Here’s a bite-sized guide to what might be going on.

5 ways your business can become a menopause-friendly workplace

Menopause at work is not a trend; it’s here to stay. Here are 5 simple steps you can take towards supporting - and retaining - your best people.


so (not) hot: flushes and night sweats

Another super-common symptom of perimenopause is the temperature gage going wonky. Here’s a snapshot of why, and what might help.

what’s going on down there?

Pain, dryness bladder issues and more are all common in menopause - yet we don’t often talk about them.