Menopause in depth

A workplace education session for organisations on the menopause journey

This talk is ideal for your workplace or organisation if you’ve already had a session with me on menopause; have already started menopause awareness and education in your workplace, or you’re looking for a more in-depth understanding of perimenopause and menopause.

An ideal follow-up to my first menopause talk (This changes everything) or a stand-alone session, this talk digs deeper into menopause: hormones, body changes, mental and physical challenges, and what you can do about them both at work and at home.

 You’ll learn:

  • What you need to know about your peri/menopausal hormones – what’s going up, what’s going down, what’s worth testing and what’s not

  • What’s the latest on HRT (hormone therapy) – what it can do, what it can’t; HRT myths busted; who should and shouldn’t try HRT; how to talk to your doctor about it; testosterone and vaginal oestrogen explained; when to go on and off HRT; HRT alternatives

  • Mental health challenges: menopausal depression and anxiety; mood changes and what you can do about them

  • Body changes: body composition and weight changes; what’s really causing these; can you do anything about them and should you try that diet you saw on Instagram?

  • The latest on non-hormonal treatments: which work; which don’t, and which are worth a try?

  • Whole body health: Why it’s really important to think beyond hormones: brain, heart, gut and bone health

PLUS: Q&A (as usual, there’s no such thing as a silly question.

This session can be delivered via webinar or in person, and can be combined with another session or sessions.

Contact me for more information.